Am renewing my commitment to myself to juice at least twice a day and try to eat mostly raw vegetable foods and less meat. Although I did not intend or care to lose weight by juicing (it's all about the blood pressure for me, as anyone following this blog may recall), I actually have lost about 10–15 pounds. I'm at 135 now, but as I begin doing more workouts with weights that number will go back up due to muscle gain.
This morning's breakfast:

And my nutritional analysis of it (only including items with greater than 10% Daily Value):
190% DV Vitamin A
172% DV Vitamin C
1146% DV Vitamin K1
15% DV Thiamin
21% DV Riboflavin
25% DV Vitamin B6
36% DV Folate
25% DV Calcium
21% DV Iron
39% DV Magnesium
43% DV Potassium
21% DV Copper
45% DV Manganese
And that was just 16 ounces of juice. You can see how easy it is to get enough of your vitamins this way.