My favorite juice recipes

Everyday Green

1 large English (seedless) cucumber, rinsed and unpeeled
(or a medium/large conventional cucumber, peeled if not organic)
4 leaves of raw green kale (the lacinato variety or the typical curly-edged kind)
1 yellow bell pepper
1 fennel bulb
1 lemon, outer rind removed
1 chunk of fresh ginger root, peeled (about a 1-inch cube piece or equivalent)

This has a ton of vitamins A and C. Also has at least 10-15% DV of a lot of other vitamins. Very high in potassium, copper and manganese. The ginger gives it a little zing, as does the tartness of the lemon.


1 red beet, peeled
3 medium carrots
1 red bell pepper, seeds/core removed
1 whole lemon, outer rind removed
1 fennel bulb
1 chunk of fresh ginger root, peeled (about a 1-inch cube piece or equivalent)

Note to beet haters: the addition of ginger and lemon in this recipe means you don't taste the beet much, if at all. If you want to give this recipe even more zing, throw in an extra lemon.

Crazy amounts of vitamins and minerals here. Beets have a lot of folate and are great for your liver. Lots of vitamins A and C in the pepper and carrot, and fennel is loaded with potassium.

V5 Blend

This combination tastes the most like a commercial vegetable juice blend (such as V8) only it's not as pulpy. It's loaded with vitamin A and has a good amount of C, B6, folate and potassium, among other nutrients.

3 plum tomatoes
2 medium (8") carrots
1 red bell pepper, seeds/core removed
2 celery stalks (8")
2 stalks bok choy, with leafy parts
Potassium chloride ("salt substitute") to taste

When I make this combination in a centrifugal juicer I end up with about 20 oz. of juice. The carrot and bell pepper make it a little too sweet for my taste, so I add a quarter teaspoon of "salt substitute" which happens to add another 16% DV of potassium. It also makes the juice taste less sweet. A note about potassium chloride: it is not as good for you as vegetable sources of potassium, and unlike vegetable sources, you can overdo it with potassium chloride, but you'd have to use an awful lot of it. Still, for people like me who need to avoid salt, it's a great option.

This juice also makes an excellent base for a vegetable soup or a stew instead of using a sodium-laden store-bought broth.