Sunday, August 7, 2011

Big flavor

Variety is good. It's easier for people to stick with something like juicing when they start noticing the benefits, but it certainly helps if it doesn't get boring. As with cooking, I like to try new things. I hadn't used any citrus yet, and thought it would make an interesting addition to a green juice. So I cut the rind off a whole small lemon, peeled a good-size chunk of ginger root, and combined those two flavor powerhouses with some red kale, cucumber, swiss chard, celery and apple.

It was fantastic. I love both lemon and ginger, and they did not let me down. Since I didn't have any green apples on hand, I had to use a Pink Lady apple. However, the color of the apple's skin, combined with the fact that my kale was "red" (the stems are a purple color), resulted in a rather unappetizing juice color: that of split pea soup. This would be easily remedied by using green kale and a green apple. Fortunately, I can forgive funky color as long as the juice tastes good. If you're picky or squeamish about the color of your juice, a good rule of thumb is not to mix too much red and dark green things together as they tend to result in muddier, swampier colors.

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